
I know the first question you're probably asking, is, 'what the heck is an adventure registry?' Followed closely with 'who registers for their honeymoon?' We already have a house that's comfortably furnished, so we don't really need china and in the end an adventure registry gives us the chance to receive something that will last forever and be more priceless than material goods: memories.

The concept behind our adventure registry is not to ask you to help pay for our airfare or hotel, it's for you to enhance our first adventure as a married couple by sending us on extra bonus mini-adventures while we're there. Our plan is to go to Olympic National Park in Washington State with a few days in Portland, OR on either end. Where you and the adventure registry come in, is that we'd like you to gift us 'adventure quests.' It could be as simple as 'Go rent yourself a kayak and try not to lose your glasses in the Pacific Ocean.' or as specific as 'When I was in Portland, there was an amazing taco truck with to-die-for chicken tacos. Go eat there for lunch.' If you love the idea of the adventure registry, but have no idea what to put down, you don't really have to give us a challenge, we just thought it would be a good way to make it fun. We are registered at honeyfund.